Inspired by Food In Jars. I made this over Thanksgiving. I halved the recipe and used a combination of apple juice and fresh squeezed lemon and orange juices.
I can’t get it out of my head. I kinda wish I made more.
Wahhh. According to Gawker, my favorite food journalist/recipe writer & tester/stylist/web cooking show host, Jill Santopietro is leaving T: The New York Times Style Magazine.
It was about a year ago that I found the piece on homemade yogurt. And since then, it’s like she pops up on my radar to remind me how much I dig her work. Even though I’m on The Moment all day every day, I have to click on her name on just to see if I’ve missed anything she’s written. It’s been six months since the last Kitchen 4B, formerly Tiny Kitchen, webisode and I, still, look at the videos list on the NYT Dining & Wine page like one could appear any day now between Bittman clips. I’m glad that I found Jill and I hope that leaving means amazing things are on her horizon.
It was because of those eight short webisodes, I wanted to know more. More about Jill’s take on things, more about food, more about cooking. One of the reasons I liked TK/K4B is that I got excited about cooking in an environment that was all too familiar. Jill and Jenny Woodward made the dreaded tiny NYC kitchen fun. Watching the videos, I laughed a lot, learned a lot and was challenged. I felt pushed to step up my game and get organized. I had to think about efficient use of space, not just cost or want/need. Instead of making due with less, it celebrated being creative and inspired by what you have.
Jill, wherever you go, I will follow. Please tell me that NYT will let you and Jenny take K4B somewhere, anywhere. Give me 30 minutes regularly and I’ll get back in bed with Time/Warner Cable. I promise.
Jill Santopietro's Kitchen 4B (click through to watch)
I wake up at 3am. A lot. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to get up or go back to sleep. So, I ended up watching a lot of David Chang clips online. Ran across this one from last year.
I wandered over to and started reading the Chang/Meehan Eat A Peach! posts.
Is it wrong to prefer a particular look of David’s? (♥:Yes.) Fine.
i had breakfast with friends yesterday and saw Julie Delpy.
I know how I want to start everyday. Good food, friends and conversation. Le Pain Quotidien was sigh-worthy. A bowl of cafe au lait, asparagus/goat cheese omlette, bread and jam. Simple. Delicious.
She was there when we walked in. I noticed her but, didn’t realize it was her until I was seated.
Oh. Hey.
There’s something about her. Sure, it could be the French thing. The multi-hyphenate thing. You know, she’s a writer-director-actor-musician, right? It’s interesting. She was beautifully normal. Not in the “they’re just like us” schadenfreude-y kind of way, but in that normal way that ages and doesn’t rely on being beautiful, but just is, anyway.
My JulieDelpyThing has a lot to do with Before Sunrise and Before Sunset mimicing these interesting markers in my life. I still remember how seeing Sunrise with Chris J in DC led to this really cool day of traipsing around Dupont Circle, flirting with bike messengers and meeting up with our friend, Lisa. It became one of those carefree days where the world is all possibility.
Before Sunset makes me happy every time I see it. In many ways, I see a part of me. Talk-y, overly analytical and neurotic. The dull ache and disappointment in what could’ve/should’ve been and never was in Sunset gets nudged to the side by a knowing hopefulness that takes over the last act. It’s a well-written ride through the streets of Paris that I love to take often.
Julie Delpy is smart, funny and talented. Like her.
Have you seen 2 Days In Paris? I need to rent that again.
i need to do something about this not reading thing. it’s weird.
I miss reading. I miss really getting lost in a book. Being taken to a place in someone else’s head with my own mind painting by the numbers given. All I can seem to handle right now are the pretty how-to/lets do! cook and create books.
I can’t seem to sit or sit still. I’ve got this attention deficit issue that isn’t helped by my best friends ibook and dsl. I hang out with them so much that I don’t give myself any non-visual stimulation time. And I have to get working on making a comfortable space in the apt to just chill. The chairs are good for writing, not reading. And the new bed is all warm milk and counted sheep. I can’t keep my eyes open.
So while I look for curl up-able seating, I’m instituting book breaks. An hour a day. Okay, maybe 30 minutes. Just to get started. Get my head into it, without my back complaining too much.
And since I have to start somewhere. I think that somewhere is Chinua Achebe’s Things Fall Apart.
the talk of serious, gut-wrenching performances has already put me into award season overload.
I want some smart and funny this holiday season. I think I want to see this at an actual movie theater place. The whole “Not til Christmas Day” part is a bit annoying, though. I wanna laugh now. Thx.