just a few things that made it home from the market…

Beets | Carrots | Tomatoes | Ginger | Onions | Curly Kale

New Market: 7th & Figueroa, Downtown LA | Best of Downtown 2010 Runner-Up (♥:Um, okay.)
First Impression: Uninspiring.
Where’s the veg adventure? Where’s the fruit surprise? Where’s the wonder? Eh, not there.
At this lunchtime market, hot food is king. The produce at 7th & Fig is conventional grocery selection with a kinda pretty farmers market dress on. Full of staples, low on variety.
Put on by the same group that does the market at Pershing Sq; I’ll just assume they are playing to their audience. Crowd seemed to be more impulse, less intent. I didn’t notice anyone leaving with full bags.
Forecast: We’ll see. Not hopeful.