Awww. Thx, Wednesday!

taking the time to make note of a few things that make the days extra sweet.

Do you ever smile at the clouds?  I can’t help but be amazed by the beauty of the sky.

Apparently, I’m in hyper-adoration mode for tangelos and Sandra Juto… The comments on her wrist worm giveaway remind me how small the world is and how great the internet is at connecting people.  It’s just everyone listing their favorite movies.  It warms my heart a little when someone else talks about how much they love Me and You and Everyone We Know, Before Sunset, Strictly Ballroom and all things Almodovar.

Esthero One of my favorite singers, ever ever, posted a song that leaves me with a tear stained face.  There’s such beauty in its simplicity.  Black Mermaid stirred something.  It not only made me happy,  but it moved me to use those moments, so easily wasted, doing what I’m here to do.

Nikole Herriot, of Forty-sixth at Grace, makes and photographs such beautiful cakes.  I want to make more cakes.  I want to make lots of pretty cakes.  I want to forage for antique bundt tins.  (♥: Okay, breathe.) Innnnnn.  Ouuuuuuuttttt. Thx. I needed that.

Still working on booking a trip to visit relatives while the William Eggleston exhibition is at the Art Institute of Chicago.  I don’t really own a coat.  So, I just need it to be, you know, warmer.

Uh-oh!  I can get a bit of stellar photog right here in Beverly Hills.  Gursky at the Gagosian opened last week.  Sweet!

Counting the days… The Art of the Steal opens this weekend here in LA.  It looks like I’m about to get on an emotional roller coaster.  Dr. Barnes and his collection changed the way I see and appreciate art.

Ahhh, the art of making me happy.  It’s a challenging craft that I’m learning to practice every single day.


Evolution of a Relationship | Food

it’s complicated.  and thankfully, it keeps changing.

Sometimes, I don’t know if it was just a story my father liked to tell or if I really remember it happening.  Either way, it informed how I thought and, in some ways, think about food.

The seeds plant themselves early…

As we crossed the tarmac to climb the stairs to the plane, I broke free from the hand that was holding mine.  I ran as fast as my legs would take me back the way we came.  We were flying to Panama.  Away from everyone and everything I knew.  I cried myself to sleep after my failed escape from the biggest thing I’d ever seen and woke up to a new horror.  They said he ate my dinner.  My brother kept proving himself to be my enemy.  I was pissed.  And, I was two.

My dad had a bunch of “Nikki in Panama” stories he liked to tell.  The one where he forgot to make sure the door was closed and came back to find me climbing down the stairs backwards.  Or that I called waves “Oobies.”  He thought that Kourtney eating my dinner was just another funny story.  In my head, as a kid, it set up the recurring idea of being deprived.  That I had to eat what I wanted or it wouldn’t be there.

Separation makes the brain grow fonder or Sorry, we don’t eat that anymore…

It was the 70s.  Daddy read that book and there you have it.  We went veg as a family.  Here’s the hard part.  You tell regular folks, black or white, in the 70s about being vegetarian or shunning processed food and they’d look at you like you’d lost your mind.  Neither side of our family really knew how to take it or deal with it.

Mom says Daddy went through the house throwing food away.  Replacing it with the “healthier” alternatives.  It was a shock to her, but she went with it.  And stayed with it after they divorced.

We were more pan-africanist “crunchy-granola” than hippie “crunchy-granola” living in grad school housing.  I loved going to the health food store.  Bulk bins!  And  getting loose tea from Smile to make sachets in wax print fabric. (♥: Awww, crafty from way back.)

I♥how I was raised, hardcore.  And had a lot of fun as a kid.  We had amazing food that I’m still trying to recreate.  But, with the divorce and two very different households, there was a lot of change for us to adjust to.  Oh, yeah, and Daddy went back to meat.

We got conflicting food messages from all over the place.  From school, TV, friends and relatives.  It was one more obvious way we were different.  Being “veg” only meant that I couldn’t have.  It wasn’t about the benefits or making better choices or having good eating habits.  I saw it and lived it as, ummm, no.  We weren’t even that strict.  There was definitely no red or other white meat in the house, but we had chicken and fish fairly regularly.

They were trying to do what they thought best or Have you met Little Me?…

So let’s go back to the pouty, petulant toddler on the plane.  I should tell you what my mom told me last week.  That I was willful from birth.  Okay, she said the crib.  Same thing.  Power trippin’ in a onesie.

I found ways to act out every day.  From eating the sloppy joe school lunch or allowing folks to feed me ribs and things knowing how my mother felt.  Even name brand peanut butter and jelly on white bread washed down with kool-aid felt like I was getting in a good jab.

Willful Little Me would sneak food.  I wanted what I wanted when I wanted it.  Partly, because I felt like it wouldn’t be there if I waited.  But, that was, also, just who I was.  A bit spoiled and entitled.  All those things my friends and relatives got to eat became things I longed for and found ways to get.

We weren’t allowed to have breakfast crack brought to you by cartoon characters and toy prizes.  Mom gave us granola and Grape-Nuts.  My dad would buy whatever cereal we wanted when we spent the weekend with him.  That box was ghost by Saturday afternoon.  My brother was a “growing boy” and I worked the guilt.  We, okay, I figured out how to manipulate the situation very early.  It just was never enough.

It gets complicated after that or We’re skipping the tween and teen years…

I think it’s simplistic to say that control and the lack of it set up a pattern of deprivation and overindulgence, but it’s key to understanding how I look at things today.

As an adult, I’ve been veg and vegan by choice.  I’ve done Atkins and I’ve done nothing.  I’ve overeaten and I’ve not eaten.  I got off on telling folks what I couldn’t/wouldn’t eat like it was a sign of courage and strong will.  It became how I related to people.  How we related to each other.  The conversations we had.  It’s like we all needed that gold star for putting all the power in no, can’t, don’t and won’t.

The crazy part is that whenever I went off-label, regime or binged, everything I thought I was missing and really, really wanted, couldn’t live up to the internal hype.  My Bye-Bye VeganLife meal was a Cuban Sandwich and Mexican-style Corn from Café Habana and a cupcake from Magnolia.  They were fine.  It was the pressure I put on myself to live confined rather than balanced, that had expectations frequently met with disappointment.

A work in progress or How I don’t eat shame with that burger…

I choose to live a way that’s become pretty straightforward.  I eat what I want.  I eat better.  I eat less.  And I move more.  What I want is informed by the little discoveries over the years.  How amazing and naturally sweet fruit and vegetables can be.  That I don’t really like fast food.  That Meat and I have a love/bored relationship.  That Ben, Jerry and I will survive not being Besties.  That making kick-ass food is just as fun as eating it.

I really don’t think about what I don’t eat.  It’s usually because I don’t like it, not because “I can’t have it.”  My conversations about food are from a place of excitement and wonder, not fear and anger.  I don’t feel guilt or shame.  It’s a set up.

There are things that concern me.  Like, wow, there’s a lot of sugar in marmalade making.  How do I balance experimentation with consumption?  What sugar is better?  Do I take a break?  There’s no hand smacking bad Nikki going on.

I still struggle with bouts of not eating.  Or not eating “right.”  I’m not chasing some ideal.  I, really, forget to eat.  Hopped up on coffee, with my brain reeling, I have time to make tricked out ramen before I get cranky.

I’m learning to be patient.  Sooo new for me.  I’m starting to plan meals.  Because the only way the food won’t be in my fridge is if I let it rot.

It’s all a process.  I’m happier not worrying about food all the time.  It took all the fun out of eating.  And cooking.  Have you ever just contemplated the flavors in a spoonful and allowed yourself to be blown away?  That is some goodness.

This relationship with food is growing and changing.  I’m feeling empowered to make better decisions.  Finding balance and treating myself a lot better.  I like that.


Giggly & Screechy | Wang Chung

(♥:You’re serious?) sure am. i have no cool points.  therefore, none to lose.

Let’s go, baby.  Let’s go, baby.  Come on!

I don’t know how my brain works.  I was watching an Ella Fitzgerald doc.  That led to listening to a bit of Sarah Vaughn.  Here’s what doesn’t make sense.  From there, I put on Chrissie Hynde.

In some 80s-ish leap, I get here.  Giggly & Screechy.  Listening to Wang Chung.  On repeat.

I’m bopping around my apt like I was in my old bedroom doing a full-on dance routine with a bunk bed backdrop.  I, totally, expect AllHailQueenMom to coming knocking on my door.  Telling me to turn the radio down.

Have a little fun.  Press play.


Looking At | The Things We Keep

i don’t really collect anything.  it’s more that i accumulate the same kinds of things.

Every couple of days since the beginning of the new year,  I’ve been checking out artist Lisa Congdon’s latest project.  I’m intrigued by her intention to capture a collection a day for the entire year.

It makes me think about the things I keep.  I got rid of a lot when I moved across country.  What becomes fascinating, to me at least, are the little things I couldn’t leave behind.

Have you done a major purge?  How do you assign value to what stays and goes?  Any regrets?

I still miss some of my stuff, but also feel free from having so much.


The Walk | In Color, Vibrant

it’s become habit, routine and ritual.

It started out as a walk I took a few days a week.  It was mapped and marked down to the tenth.  Thankfully, it’s turned into something I, just, do.  I go hunting for hills, delightfully out of breath.  Every day is a neighborhood adventure.  Miles are involved, just not counted.

I’ve thought it might be fun to bring the old point and shoot and record some of the things I see along the way.

So, this is just a study in color.


Question | Inspiration Overload?

looking for answers to the question shouting over everything else in my head.

So, I’m going through my daily blogroll adventure and realized that time was just laughing at me as it walked away.  I wondered if I spent too much of it taking it all in.  Looking for inspiration in someone else’s reality and not enough time creating my own.

Is there such a thing as Inspiration Overload?

I look at these images, these ideas and the questions just ask themselves.  Am I at a saturation point for a particular curated aesthetic? Am I coveting more than appreciating?  Am I bored?  I know I get something from everything I take in, but could I spend more time away and not feel like I’m missing something?

Maybe I’m inspirationally congested.  Stuck at the point where I should be using some of it, instead I’m creating a bottleneck checking out what everyone else is doing.

Information overload is a given with everything coming so fast from so many places.  Can you feel that way by things that are meant to get you going? Things at are supposed to motivate  you in some way?

I don’t know.

What inspires you and how do you keep moving?


brings it all back | gil scott-heron’s i’m new here

there’s a gsh story. it’s from the 70s. it only really matters to me, though.

The sound of Gil’s voice is like a window opening on my childhood that makes me want to scream from the rafters that MyMomRocks.  She exposed me to art in its many forms.  It wasn’t what I might’ve liked at the time, but it has stayed with me for life.

I saw her enjoying herself.  I watched her in dance class.  It may have been an African dance class, but they got down to the original Lady Marmalade, too.  She took me to plays I couldn’t quite understand about apartheid.  I sat in her lap at poetry readings.  Paintings, framed prints and maps lined the walls at home.  We read to each other, too.

The sound of his voice reminds me of how fortunate I was, am and will always be.  Thank you, Gil.

And, I’ll Take Care Of You is on repeat.


(♥:You are thanking her, too, right?) But, of course!

giggly and screechy | the can jam

this is going to be fun!

I’m about to head out to the farmers’ market in my neighborhood for the first time in over a month.  I’m so excited to see what they’ve got. I can’t wait to pile all that goodness on the table.

I’m a bit giggly because I’m participating in Tigress’ Can Jam.  Each month this year, we’re going to focus on preserving.  We’re turning our attention to good food and to traditions that are truly local and global.

In P & K's Yard

I feel lucky to not only making connections to long gone relatives and ancestors, but to the family members that are here and getting older.  I get to make new memories, too.  And share them with you.

So, here’s the jumpy part.  I’m eight days in and I haven’t the slightest idea what I’m going to do.  This month the spotlight is on citrus.  This should be easy, right.  I live in California.  Well, I want blood oranges.  I need blood oranges.  Don’t you see I’m blinded by my blood orange lust.

I haven’t come across any yet.  That could change today.  Or I could just get on with it.  Which is what I’m going to do.  I’ve got today and Hollywood on Sunday.  This weekend will be the start of the citrus days.  Or the continuation of the citrus days.  Tigress must have been reading my mind.  I’ve been super citrused for the last couple of weeks.

Time to get the tote bag and camera.  I’m coming back with something fun.  I promise.


start somewhere | from the inside

with all the John Witherspoon-ishness* you can muster, say it with me.  you’ve got to hy-drate.

My water consumption is on the did you say coffee? side.  I think it shows in my face.

Because I need to do better and start somewhere, I’ve added drink water to the 9thousandthingstodotoday list.  5 glasses.  W12345.

I really do have to tell myself how many and keep track.  I forget whole meals, so a glass or four of water is nothing.

I like water.  I like it room temp.  Sometimes with a sliver of cucumber.  Why I don’t drink enough of it?  I don’t know. (♥: You don’t like public restrooms.) Well, there is that.

So, in an effort to save face and who knows what else, I’m going all out with the water.  Along with actually taking the vitamins I bought and eating more vegetables.

This month is all about starting to build good habits.  Water’s been on my list all week.  I’ve not always gotten in the full five, but at least it’s been much more than the week before.


*John Witherspoon in Boomerang.

and so it goes | 2010 determinations

i get more done this way.

I decided about a year ago that I had to make a choice.  I’d spent a long time defining myself by who and what I wasn’t, by what I wasn’t going to do and by the job I used to have.  When I thought about how I described what I was doing now, it was never really all that positive, clear or present.  I realized that changing how I saw and spoke about my place in the world would effect how I smiled and said hey.  Hey! I still have to catch myself, but I’m so much happier.

I started writing my annual list of determinations about 3 years ago as a part of my Buddhist practice.  It challenged me to more actively participate in this thing called my life.  Somehow, I thought that if I just let my future kinda happen to me that I wouldn’t be as disappointed by not getting the things I wanted. (♥:You know that never really works, right?)  Yep.

So, I’ve got a list.  I’m a Virgo with all kinds of lists.  And I am still a good person if things shift to the next year.  Because, most likely, the work continues.

It’s been interesting to look back at what I thought was important.  I’ve seen things change, expand and disappear from the list.  And I’ve seen the things big and small that have just kinda happened.  From quitting smoking to treating myself more kindly to becoming a better friend.

So here are a bunch for twentyten from the big list that I plan to keep with me as encouragement to stay unstuck.

I am determined to…

Do what I’m good at and do it enough to get better. Get on with the get better part.

Do what I say I’m going to do. Especially, if I’m the only one holding me accountable for my actions or inaction.

Start somewhere. Anywhere.

Eat better. And that begins with breakfast.

Champion & Support. Look for it.  Find it.  If I like it, then talk about it.

Just let it go… especially if worrying about what someone else thinks keeps me from being me.

Keep smiling and have fun.

Stay curious and compassionate.

How are you determined to move forward in 2010?
