Home From The Market | Hollywood 11Sept11

just a few things that made it home from the market…

Kalex2 | Spinach | Yams | Thomcord Grapes | Bay Leaves | Tomatoes | Onions | Cucumbers | Fennel | Ginger    Garlic | Lettuce | Broccoli

With only half the haul on view, this looks like one of the rare over-budget Sundays.  I, usually, only go to the market with a twenty, straight from the atm.  Some days, I carry more.  The problem with that is that I, uh, spend more.  There are days when I spend much less, but that’s at 7th + Fig.

I’ve got big eyes and a small fridge.  Having a budget and specific weekly needs keeps me from buying every pretty and interesting thing I see.  So along with the kale, tomatoes, onions and cucumbers, I get to experiment with a new or daunting vegetable or try a new herb without feeling like I’ve wasted money.  And, thankfully, because I don’t buy as much, there’s less opportunity for full-fridge neglect.  And when it does happen… *pursedlipsshrug*



Home From The Market | 7th + Fig 1Sept11

just a few things that made it home from the market…

Cucumbers | Ginger | Onions | Kale | Tomatoes

Not sure why I bought Japanese cucumbers.  I just did.  The problem with taking so long to post will be apparent after the period.  I haven’t the slightest idea what happened to them.


Home From The Market | Hollywood 28Aug11

just a few things that made it home from the market…

Red Leaf Lettuce | Kale x 2 | Ginger | Garlic | Onions | Concord Grapes | Tomatoes | Squash | Cucumbers

I should apologize to the squash.  It went to waste in the fakeout drawer in the bottom of the fridge.

Dear Oh, So Lovely Family of Squash,

You deserved a tantalized tummy and you just ended up soggy and moldy.

I am so sorry.





Home From The Market | 7th at Fig 13Oct11

just a few things that made it home from the market…

Strawberries | Tomatoes | Pita | Hummus

The hummus didn’t make it home.  It wasn’t even good, but I was hungry.  All tahini-heavy without any garlic bite or acid kick, I should have just had fries or a(nother) pint of strawberries.  I have to stop spending money (♥: and time and energy) on things that I know probably won’t make me happy.  It’s like I keep taking the class, but have trouble implementing the lesson.  It’s time to be more mindful about planning ahead, especially since I prefer my own chickpea dip/spread.

Making the commitment to treat myself better emotionally, physically, intellectually and spiritually means that I have to pay much more attention to how I get fed and how I stay happy.
