i like the grocery.
I loved doing the shopping as a kid. Every two weeks, I made the list. Went to the store. Threw in the magazines and things I wanted. Somehow found a way to lose the receipt. Took a cab home with the bags and bags of groceries for a family of three.

I shop a little differently, now. I frequent six or so stores with the occasional trip to Whole Foods. I know which store does what better. I get what I need for the next few days. And all the stores are in walking distance.
My fridge, Tall and Tiny, keeps me from the suburban stock up.

In my pursuit of the best locally grown produce, I’ve been checking out the friday farmer’s market in my neighborhood. I started documenting what I buy from there because I loved the way it all looked on the table.

I haven’t been to the fm lately. The fridge has been full since Thanksgiving. Trying to force things in there for the next couple of weeks seems wasteful. So, I’ll get back on the market.watch in 2010. I’m also planning on participating in the South Central Farmers CSA. I want to support and I love the surprise of opening the box of fruit and veg goodness.
Much Thx should go out to NYC’s Urban Organic. I discovered my favorite fruit from one of their deliveries when I lived in the city. Oh, how I love blood oranges.