LAPL at Home | Catching Up

I’ve had 30 books out on loan for the last couple of months.  This is just some of what’s been at home.

It’s been a bit since I’ve written about anything, really.  And books?  Well, it’s been even longer.  Russel Simmons’ Super Rich was much more interesting* than I expected.  Five Ingredient Fix, not so much.

Still looking for my pliers and at books about making jewelry.


*I appreciate that RS is speaking from his own place of truth and connecting to people.  I’d been reading the book on the train, occasionally trying to hide the cover.  As I was close to finishing, a middle-aged white man notices the book and tells me that was touched greatly by it.  This was not the audience for the book I was expecting and in some ways that’s the point of the interconnectedness of our human experience and the common pursuit of sustainable happiness.