Home From The Market | Pershing SQ 13July11

just a few things that made it home from the market…

Cucumber | Garlic | Ginger | Tomatoes | Onions | Oranges | Eggplant | Basil

I can’t keep letting these pretty little eggplants go to waste.  I’m going to have to figure something out.


Home From The Market | Pershing SQ 6July11

just a few things that made it home from the market…

Garlic | Ginger | Cilantro | Oranges | Grapefruit | Cucumbers | Kale | Tomatoesx3 | Celery | Eggplant

Yes, I quite like tomatoes.

Even as I buy mostly for soups and juicing, there are things I can’t resist.  The beautiful heirloom cherry and grape tomatoes caught my eye.  They’re still on the table.  Uh, aging.


Home From The Market | Pershing SQ 15June11

just a few things that made it home from the market…

Kale | Yu Choi Sum | Onions | Tomatoes | Asparagus | Ginger | Thai Basil | Watermelon | Cilantro | Persian Cucumbers | Radishes

It’s all in the edit.  The delay, I mean.  It’s been a crazy couple of weeks and I couldn’t decide which images I liked most.  Still not sure if these are them, but, you know, whatever.  The food was good, smelled amazing, and tasted divine.  Okay, except for the radishes.  I left them out and they shriveled up.



HFTM | Pershing SQ 8June11

just a few things that made it home from the market…

Persian Cucumbers | Cantaloupe | Onions

My apartment smells sickly sweet from the cantaloupe that wasted away in front of me.  It sat there, all week, making sure its scent danced on air.  Always noticed, always ignored.  Yeah, smart.

I bought less to avoid this very thing.  Oh, well.

Just a few hours away from another trip to the market.  Thinking no more melons for me.  Wait, watermelon.  I want watermelon.




HFTM | Pershing SQ 1June11

just a few things that made it home from the market…

Lemon | Cauliflower | Tomatoes | Apricots | Apple | Kale | Honey Mandarins | Thai Basil |  Yu Choy Sum  Ginger | Dill | Cucumbers | Brussel Sprouts


HFTM | Pershing SQ 25May11

just a few things that made it home from the market…

Ginger | Cherries | Peaches | Garlic | Onions | Peas | Thai Basil | Chinese Broccoli | Kale

Yeah.  The cherries and peaches are gone already.  Artichoke hummus, too.  It didn’t even make it home for the class picture.

I was just in one of those “Dude. Yes, feed me.” moods.  Plied with samples, I couldn’t resist.  I bought the artichoke hummus and it barely made it to the office fridge.  I tried to keep my Alice Waters-ian breathy enthusiasm to a minimum.  ‘Cause breathy and garlicky are confined space crowd pleasers!  But, man, was it gooood.

This weekend, I’ll be stocking up on Goya chickpeas and finally get my ‘choke on. (♥: Umm, that sounds…) Ohhh.  Right.  If they’re still in beautiful abundance, I’ll be picking up some artichokes at Hollywood on Sunday. (♥: Better.)

It’s gonna be a hummus summer.  I can feel it.



HFTM | Pershing SQ 18May11

just a few things that made it home from the market…

Tomatoes | Cabbage | Strawberries | Chinese Broccoli | Dill | Cilantro | Scallions | Squash | Onions | Carrots | Golden Beets | Persian Cucumbers

Guess I’m giving you very little of what made it home on Wednesday.  Let’s see what Sunday brings.

Nikki ♥