I haven’t really needed any help getting to the bottom of my brine, but I’ve been looking for different ways to drink it. The soju is calling, but I want other options.
On the hunt for ideas, I ended up on a site that indexed drinks by ingredient. I realized how much going out has changed for me by just reading the names. I know I used to drink Buttery Nipples* way back when, but there’s one called a Crotch Kicker. Really?
I only found versions of Bloody Marys and Martinis. Have you used your brine to spice up a cocktail? Have you ventured beyond the Pickltinis and Briny Marys?
What about non-alcoholic drinks? Have you added a splash of a pickle liquid to give juiced veggies or smoothies a kick?
I’ve taken to this pickling thing and would love to get some input and inspiration.
The tasting: It’s early, but I’m def going to cut back on the salt. I’m not sure if I’m a pickled bean person, yet. And I think I might like a thinner skinned pepper to pickle.
What’s next: The final verdict for the first tiny batch of dill should be in in a few days. I def want to try less salt and maybe, white vinegar. Also, I think I’m going to have to give the cukes a cut, either spears or chips.
I just had a Nic Cage/Moonstruck/”Chrissy bring me the big knife” flash. Great. Now, I can’t stop thinking about oily fish, bloody steak and bread, bread, bread.
replace bubbles with batches and yes, that is me getting my Don Ho on.
IthinkIcan: It's the new waiting game that all the kids are playing
OMG!OMG!OMG! I’ve been good. It’s been four days and I’ve not devoured my homemade pickled cukes and peppers. I will admit I did have a taste the other day, but I think I can wait until Saturday to fully enjoy them. I’m a little proud of my patience. I, usually, like my jars of pickles inhaled in one sitting straight from the grocery bag.
tiny batches. Why so wee, you ask? Well, I’ve got a tall tiny fridge. I don’t really have the space to store copious amounts of product or produce. So, I keep everything that needs to be fridged or frozen to a minimum. Thus, we get the chance to explore the freshest that Mr. Grocery and Miss Market have to offer.
You say putting up is for pantry living. And, I agree. What I lack in the cold is more than made up for in other manners of storage. I’m just not processing and putting up until I’ve worked out the flavor. So, Saturday, can you hurry?(♥:Or maybe not. 2009, pls don’t leave so soon.)
There are a couple of things I’ve found that got me all giggly. First, this is EASY. Let me say that again, so even I can hear it. This is EASY. Second, the way Ruhlman breaks down the method for making Symon’s pickled chilis is perfect for me. Not because I’m allergic to recipes, but because I’m always having to figure out how to make less.
The solution was sooo simple. Like for the jar above, I just filled the jar with the produce. Added water to the fill line. Poured out the water in to a measuring cup. Replaced half the volume with vinegar. Tah-freekin-dah. Houston, we have the start of some pickling liquid. I need more Ruhlman’s Ratio in my life, but I’m like 13th in the queue for the book at the library. I guess I’m learning to wait for a lot of things.
very, very nikki. In an effort to be the me-est me possible, I, mistakenly, put in a tablespoon of pickling spice, instead of a teaspoon. Even when I try to follow a recipe, the plan often goes awry. I’m not sure how it’s going to taste in a few days, but I noticed a spicy warmth and undercurrent of sweetness upon the first sampling. I’ll update with the specifics after the feasting.
something my neighborhood has taught me. Be mindful of what foods and traditions other cultures and communities find important. I live in a heavily Korean & Latino neighborhood. If I’ve missed the farmer’s market for the week, I know that the produce at stores that cater to these two communities is so much cheaper and more abundant than that of the national supermarket chains up the street.
I’ve talked too much about the pickles. I kinda want them now. Must. Wait. IthinkIcanIthinkIcanIthinkinIcan.