On The Walk | Paper Lanterns

just stuff i see when i’m on the evening walk…

I stared at two things yesterday.  I was mesmerized by ‘aged’ paper lanterns on the street and a K-Pop video in the grocery store.  Can’t tell you the group or the name of the song, so here are the lanterns.


The Walk | In Color, Vibrant

it’s become habit, routine and ritual.

It started out as a walk I took a few days a week.  It was mapped and marked down to the tenth.  Thankfully, it’s turned into something I, just, do.  I go hunting for hills, delightfully out of breath.  Every day is a neighborhood adventure.  Miles are involved, just not counted.

I’ve thought it might be fun to bring the old point and shoot and record some of the things I see along the way.

So, this is just a study in color.
